Real Talk Chapter 2
Vocabulary Part 1
pay through the nose / ripped off / carry-on luggage / check it through / pack
show up / routine / at random / messed up / ended up

Good Mix of Environmentalism, Activism & Eco-Friendly Fun
Pet Peeves - What hisses you off?
A pet peeve is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to them, to a greater degree than others may find it. (Wikipedia)
Check out what people are annoyed about on Twitter.
WARNING:  Your teacher has a couple pet peeves connected with his NOVA classes.  (1) students who don't put their names and numbers on their papers in their correct corners
(2) students who write in pen rather than pencil
The Grammar of Complaining
Vocabulary Part 2
fare / rates / departs / book / purchase / nonrefundable / stay over / deadline / round-trip

Mingle Prep Assignment
Consider the things or people that annoy you.  Make a list of 5 of them.
Be prepared to complain about them to your classmates while mingling.
Mingle Prep Assignment
Consider some places you would like to visit to enjoy nature.
Share with your classmates where you would go and what you would do there.
Vacation Planning
August 2007 Road Trip Across America
Mingle Prep Assignment
Consider a place that you would like to visit in the United States. 
Make plans for such a trip and prepare to share with your classmates while mingling.
Vocabulary Part 3
guidelines / casualties / insect repellant / outbreak / dusk /
lead to / visibility / hazardous / ahead of time / lack of

The Ethics of Ambition
What is special about May in this place?

How many people had died in May 2006?

Who was David Sharp?

What happened to Beck Weathers?

Why don't people want to be distracted while climbing?

Who passed by the troubled climber from New Zealand?  Why is that surprising?

Why did Mark Inglis decide not to help?

Is there a creed or code of ethics among climbers?  What do you think is meant by creed in this situation?

Why does the so-called creed among climbers differ for this mountain?
Vocabulary Part 4
intense / irrational / therapy / panic-stricken / anxiety /
phase / confront / disorder / symptoms / eliminate


a phobia is an intense and irrational fear of something
that the sufferer goes to great lengths to avoid

Some Common Phobias
Note on spelling of Greek roots in English:
ph sounds like /f/, ps sounds like /s/, ch sounds like /k/
Breaking Out of a Web of Fear
What might arachnophobes do upon finding a spider in their sink?

Who is Florence?

What sort of therapy was this?  How did the study work?

Explain the hierarchy of steps used.

What did the scans show?

What is the difference between the terms fear, anxiety, and phobia?

How can phobias develop?

What does return of fear mean in the context of this therapy?

Give some reflections on Jackie's very interesting phone-in comments.
Mingle Prep Assignment
Consider some things that you are afraid of or even any phobias that you might have.
Take some notes and prepare to share with your classmates while mingling.
NPR Story
NPR Story